Washington Gardens’ Children’s Week Convention… A Praise Explosion!

Posted on Jun 01 2018

Story by Shirley Richards.  Photos by WGSDA Communication Team

“If coal can turn to diamonds

And sand can turn to pearls
If a worm can turn into a butterfly
Then love can turn the world” were the words which anchored the service for the final day of the week-long Children’s Convention of the Washington Gardens and Balcombe Drive Seventh-day Adventist Churches. The week’s theme, “Growing Stronger, Reaching Higher, Children Transformed to Serve,” combined the Sixtieth Anniversary theme of the Washington Gardens church with the core concept of the Children’s Department which was expressed in the song and provided the framework for the week’s activities. 

Sermonic presentations for the week’s services were done by TJani Williams and Shamara Thompson of the Balcombe Drive church and Brianna Lue and Laurence Allison of Washington Gardens. The services on Sunday and Wednesday night and Sabbath were enriched with musical presentations of the Washington Gardens Male Quartet, soloists such as Cherrie Walker, the Balcombe Drive Children’s Ensemble and the combined Children’s choir. The testimonies of the children also affirmed that they were indeed being transformed to serve.  There was no evidence of shyness or reticence even in the youngest of the children as they played various roles in the different services. Despite the prolonged absence of electricity on Sabbath morning, powerful messages were delivered in Sabbath School and by the young preacher, Laurence Allison and other participants in the Divine Service.

Each service was inspirational and outstanding however, for many, the presentation of “Psalty’s Kids Praise Explosion… Amen in the Lord” during the Adventist Youth segment stood out. Kelvin Joseph, who acted as Psalty, the Singing Songbook, complemented the children who acted, sang and enthusiastically delivered sobering life lessons for the young and aged alike. Themes such as love, tolerance, self-acceptance and perseverance were highlighted in the Musical Presentation. This engaging production was followed by a rich Vesper service.

High commendations are due to our Children’s Ministries Directors, Suzette Forbes of Washington Gardens ably assisted by Nordia Sutherland and Sis Delores James of Balcome Drive along with their hard working teams for the tremendous work in preparing the children for their great performance throughout the week’s convention. The praises and rejoicing would no doubt echo in the heavens, as one precious soul was baptised on the day. The physical growth and transformation of the children mirrors their increasing abilities as singers, public speakers, actors and models of Christian virtues. Indeed, the week was a blessing to all the worshippers as it evoked joy and admiration for the development and transformation of the diamonds, pearls and butterflies, who are growing stronger and reaching higher for the Lord.   



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